Ambujam Metal's Digital Wall Painting is smooth, bright, white, opaque and flexible water & solvent based (Non-PVC) coating with high dynamic sensitivity to water. DWP is primarily a medium that is coated with proprietary coating using cutting-edge technology. The product is PVC- free and eco-friendly. It provides an authentic graffiti-like experience and overcomes all the problems of conventional mediums like traditional wall painting, plastic and paper based printing mediums. The biggest highlight of the product is it can be seamlessly applied to even as well as uneven surfaces. When applied correctly, the medium itself ceases to exist and the high-quality print is actually transferred to the surface making it non-removable, non-tearable and tamper-proof. DWP is strongly resistant to UV rays and Rain; making it excellent medium for outdoor use and we provide assurance for minimum one year visibility of the print. DWP is extensively used in Rural Marketing and Highway campaigns.
We are the only company in the market who has variety of Digital Wall Painting as per requirement of the market and clients.